Sunday, October 22, 2006

Wordpress 2.0.5 is coming

The new version of most used blog CMS - Wordpress will be soon released. Mark Jaquith - a developer and contributor to Wordpress, published the list of new features and bug fixes applied in the new version 2.0.5.

To see the list, visit Mark's blog.

New technologies are there to help us

Yesterday, the Slovak IT news site in their regularly serial called - Sobotnik (Saturday) published an interesting article called: What to do, when you are lazy to do. Problem that is clearly readable right from the article's header is many time touching me too. The point is, that I not always want to do things that I should. Instead of them I do more likable and relaxing things.

Always I wonder of my classmates which much of their free time spend by playing computer games. I don't play any games for several years now, because I think that is only a time lost. This time could be spent more efficiently by doing something more effective.

But this "more effective thing" is often only (like in the article on mentioned) listing in my Google Reader and blogs reading. So then I ask myself: Can these articles in my RSS reader bring me some profit, or they only day by day cutting my honorable time that could be spent more effectively?

So does RSS it's intended job - simplify news and articles subscription from the net fast and quickly, or just it becoming the same disorganised medium like the web pages?
I'm starting to think about the second option. Yes, RSS is effective medium, but because of that people are adding more and more sources to their readers. So then begins the same chaos - many new articles all days, hours or just minutes eating another piece of our time.

Another factor that does RSS feeds look more like today web pages is an advertisement. It is coming to the feeds too, and in near future it will be so regular as Google ads on today web.

So what the author wanted to say?

"New technologies are there to help us. It's only on us if we give them a permit."